Own Your Power, Own Your Preservation


No one is coming to save you, to rescue you, to sweep you off your feet. That's the crap of fairytales and... quite honestly, a message of men swooping in to save the weak woman. That's not who you are, I know it 🦹🏻‍♀️

You must decide and commit to yourself, to your desires, to designing and living out your life. You have the power. You can own it ✨

Only you can truly make the decision to change, to transform, to shift into something new. And it's not just about surviving, it's about thriving ✌️

It starts with one thing, the Pause.

In the Pause you have the opportunity to come back to you (or maybe start to find the true you again), to decide differently, to pick your next move.

It might sound and feel scary, like you're leaping off the edge into the abyss, but that doesn't have to stop you.

Find Your Pause.

Quote reading: you own your own self preservation