Rest into the New Year
Welcome to the world of Yoga Nidra, deep rest, and permission to Pause.
About a year ago I began wandering down a pathway that was completely unfamiliar and yet spoke to me deeply. It was into the world of Yoga Nidra, or ‘non-sleep deep rest’ as some like Dr. Andrew Huberman refer to it.
I began practicing myself and embarked on Karen Brody’s nine month Daring to Rest facilitator training program with women from across the globe committed to sharing the message of rest. I knew that deeper practices of rest and release were to be part of The Linger Movement and Finding Pause.
Yoga Nidra is a meditation, a guided relaxation, yogic sleep, and a sacred space of Pause, slowing, and allowing.
Whatever you want to call it, Yoga Nidra is an incredible practice of rest, surrender, and trust, and of course makes perfect sense as a Practice of Pause.
Yoga Nidra is one of the ultimate Pauses.
It’s a deeper Pause. It isn’t an ‘in the moment’ shift. Yet when you begin to carve out time and space for 20-30 minutes of Yoga Nidra the shorter Pause Practices also fall into place and so much opens up. Each Nidra is a journey and an experience to bliss.
I always say all transformation begins with Pause. And, when you can truly embrace rest and create space for it, the Pause expands. It’s really incredible. Imagine what you could dream up and who you could be in the world as a rested person. Yoga Nidra helps you get there.
My invitation to you over the coming weeks and as we close out the year is to not only embrace Pause but also rest. Get curious about not just your sleep but other rest practices and Pauses you have or do not have throughout your day.
Get curious with the following questions
What would it be like to be truly rested? To have access to deep restorative rest?
How can you rest into the New Year?
Want to experience Yoga Nidra?
Check out the audio recording below entitled ‘Permission’. You can listen to it here or download for later. It’s about 30 minutes and I invite you to get cozy, make yourself comfortable, and simply rest into the experience.
Rest well and live well my friends!
Find Your Pause.