40 Things


Happy Birthday to me!

Yep, today is my birthday, whoot whoot. 

I am apparently now 40 and into a new decade. Where the years have gone I both know and don’t know at the same time. Vivid memories of time passing and also full blur. Such is life. 

Since everyone keeps asking me ‘how does it feel to turn 40’, my response is this:

It feels no different than any other day but I suppose I should have something to say since you’re asking. So here it is.

Here are 40 things I’ve learned, mostly in my 30s, that I shall impart upon you. They are in no particular order. Do with them what you will, but I do hope you find at least one to noodle on and get curious about for yourself.

  1. Buy less stuff. Invest in experiences.

  2. It’s ok to take a left turn when everyone else goes right.

  3. Everything doesn’t have to be so serious.

  4. Your timeline is your timeline.

  5. Someday is today.

  6. Perfection is bullshit.

  7. Spend as much time as possible with those who you love.

  8. Heartbreak does indeed get better with time.

  9. There’s no point in remaining in a soul sucking job, regardless of how good the pay is.

  10. Commuting 3+ hours a day is a waste of time and energy.

  11. Stepping outside of your comfort zone reaps great rewards.

  12. It doesn’t have to be the way you always hoped or imagined, dreams change.

  13. Enjoy, embrace, and encourage strong female friendships.

  14. Let go of people who do not support you.

  15. Not everything needs to go into a spreadsheet.

  16. It’s ok to not have a plan.

  17. Pursue what lights you up and draws your attention.

  18. It’s ok if interests and passions change.

  19. Sometimes leaving a place is the best way you realize you love it.

  20. Have conversations, small talk won’t kill you.

  21. Be Curious.

  22. Listen to your body before it screams for rest and relaxation.

  23. If you want to stay in and lounge while everyone goes out, do it

  24. Stop fretting about what happened or didn’t happen in the past.

  25. Don’t crystal ball the future.

  26. Be present in the now, breathe.

  27. Savasana doesn’t actually suck.

  28. Cheesecake is really delicious.

  29. When you get an insight (idea, whisper, nudge from the universe) take action quickly, something, anything.

  30. Be playful.

  31. Design and live your own life, not one of someone else’s design.

  32. Slow down to speed up.

  33. Love yourself relentlessly.

  34. Laugh at yourself often.

  35. Nature is therapy.

  36. Dancing really does cure many things.

  37. Stubbornness does not always prevail.

  38. It’s ok to ask for help, it is not a weakness.

  39. Sleep is incredible.

  40. Find Pause.

So there you have it. Some of my 40 year musings.

And if nothing, take a moment today, and everyday, to pause, breathe, and savor this sweet life. In all honesty that’s what it’s is all about.

Find Your Pause.