12 Days of Lingering

Welcome to the 12 Days of Lingering! Each day will be a different way and theme to Find Pause and Linger. Follow along on Instagram [@TheLingerMovement] and catch up on each day here too.

It’s about finding moments to savor, to create and experience spaciousness, to build practices of joy that come from within and are lasting


Day 1 - Linger in Breath

While we breathe all day long we don’t always bring awareness to our breath. Our bodies, assuming all is functioning well, simply know how to breathe. Therefore, it’s easy to take our breath for granted and pay it no attention.

The invitation today is to draw your focus to your breath. Linger in it.

What’s your breathing like?

Is it shallow and quick? Is it full bellied and deep?

Are you holding your breath while in meetings, responding to emails, trying not to yell at your kids or pets?

Take 5 or 6 full inhales and full exhales.

When you bring awareness to your breath you become present. It is the perfect way to get out of the past or the future and be right here right now. This is mindfulness in its simplest form.

Your breath is powerful. It can help calm you, reduce stress, and shift your brainwaves. It creates space and Pause.

Linger in Breath today, and everyday. It’s always available to you.

Day 2 - Linger in Stillness

How often do you allow yourself total stillness?

Stillness of the body, of the mind, of your entire being?

When you’re used to being on the go, rushing from thing to thing, hustling to get to the next place (literally and figuratively), you’re never truly still.

It’s more likely distraction and autopilot mode.

It can be fear-inducing to consider slowing down, to invite in stillness. It is the unknown for so many of us. Fear of what might happen, or not happen, what whispers you might finally be quiet enough to hear, the truths that may reveal themselves.

Today I invite you to find stillness.

Create the space, whether it’s for 20 seconds or 20 minutes, to welcome in stillness and quiet. Let any fear or worry go. See what happens.

Couple it with Day 1, Lingering in Breath, and simply notice your breath as you become still.

Be still. Find Your Pause.

Day 3 - Linger in Beauty

There’s beauty all around. Sometimes you just need to slow down, stop, and tune into your senses to experience it.

Beauty is in the obvious and in the unexpected. It’s in the light and total darkness.

When you begin to Linger and bring intentionality to the present moment, opening all of your senses to what surrounds you, beauty pops.

What is beautiful around you?

It’s in everyday moments, physical things in front of you, memories of a specific place and time, it’s you right there in the mirror.

Pause. Breathe. Savor.

Beauty abounds.

Day 4 - Linger in Surprise

In a world where seemingly everything is accessible, orderable, answerable, and controllable at our fingertips through an app or a search, moments of surprise can be few and far between.

How often do you relinquish control, the quick knowing, and preplanning to simply savor a bit of surprise?

Or delight in the unexpected?

Loosen up, cultivate openness, let go of preconceived notions of how something should go or appear, and allow a bit of wonder and surprise to creep in.

Need somewhere to begin, start your day with asking yourself (and priming your mind) ‘what ways will I experience surprise today?’ and see what comes your way!

Linger in that surprise. Notice what happens in your body and what you feel.

Pause, Breathe, Savor the Surprise.

Day 5 - Linger in Nature

Nature heals. It energizes, it calms, it boosts and it grounds.

It is the greatest miracle worker and an inspiring muse.

It is a powerful force whether you are surrounded by awe inspiring landscapes that take your breath away, simply standing under a tree in the middle of a city, putting your toes in the sand, or just feeling the sun on your face.

For me, nature is where I feel most alive, most creative, and most grounded. And it’s any form, a walk around the neighborhood, sitting in the sun, or off the grid in pure wilderness.

Take yourself outside, even just for a few minutes, away from your computer, and the four walls around you.

Get out into nature and observe. Use all your senses to take it all in.

Simply be. Savor breath, stillness and beauty.

Linger awhile.

Day 6 - Linger in Play

Play time isn’t just for kiddos! It should be compulsory for everyone and part of your day.

Kids are naturally curious, playful, and immensely creative. A cardboard box is hours of entertainment and transportation to another world.

Somewhere along our development to adulthood though conditioning sets in and the freedom of play no longer feels available. As adults we must reintroduce play and a playful curious mindset into our lives. When that happens magic sparks, creativity floods in, and the energy shifts. Opportunities open up, people enter your life, ideas flutter in, anxiety dissipates.

What would it be like to make the shift into play?

It can be physically doing something playful like sitting down to that tea party with your child and talking with the bears, cranking up the tunes and dancing around the kitchen, or grabbing the markers and doodling.

And it can be through the intentionality and mindset you bring to your everyday. Think back to what you were like as a kid, when were you free and playful? How can you bring that version of your energy to whatever problems you're solving or projects you're tackling. It’s a fresh set of creative and open eyes.

Imagine that.

Find Play and Linger in it! Dang, it’s so fun.

Day 7 - Linger in Self Care

Into the second half of our 12 Days of Lingering with self care and a focus on what nourishes and rejuvenates you. It’s especially important this hectic time of year!

Self care gets thrown around a lot and probably over used, yet it’s SO important. It doesn’t have to be lavish, excessive, or even cost money. What it really means is simply directing energy towards your own nourishment, love, and well-being. Honoring yourself and your needs.

This signals to yourself that you and your time are worth it. And when you do that it allows you to rejuvenate and start circulating outwards to those around you who you care for, support, and lead. It must start with you first.

Whatever self care looks like and means to you, take a little time out today and this week to give it to yourself.

Perhaps it’s getting your nails done for the first time since 2019, taking an extra few minutes in the shower for peace and quiet, saying no to a request for your energy, an episode of the trashy show on Netflix, getting into bed early, or 5 minutes of meditation.

Linger in it and savor the nourishment.

Day 8 - Linger in Movement

Our bodies are designed to move - and in some cases move in miraculous ways.

Movement helps to shift, transform, and alchemize energy. For many, movement is meditative and the opportunity to quiet the mind, focus on the present, and let go of other stressors.

It doesn’t have to be an hour of intense workout, crushing a Peloton ride, or miles of running. Movement can be an easy 15 minute walk, dancing around the kitchen, a relaxing yoga flow, or embracing whatever mobility you have.

Listen to what your body is telling you it needs. I have come to accept that some days it’s a full workout with elevated heart rate and others a neighborhood walk with a podcast.

Whatever it is, find movement in your day. Your body (and mind) will thank you!

I also invite you to note how you’re feeling before and then again after the movement.

Linger in Movement.

Day 9 - Linger in Celebration

Cheers to you and all you’ve accomplished!

Seriously. Whether it’s big or small, personal or work related, where you thought you’d be or not, take a moment to linger in celebration of you.

Reflection and celebration is a powerful practice that reminds us of the progress that we’ve made, the things accomplished, and changes made - regardless of size.

All too often we ‘save’ celebration til we’ve reached the end (whatever that might be), we don't want to get too excited, and we certainly don’t want to feel like we’re boasting. Well screw that, acknowledge and celebrate. Have gratitude and love for yourself.

Like with Self Care, when you show yourself the love and appreciation for the work and progress you’ve made it shows the universe, and you, that YOU matter. And guess what, more goodness comes your way.

Take a moment to note one or two things you’re celebrating this week. And, I invite you to reflect back on the year and come up with two or three more.

Share and swap celebrations with a friend, partner, family member, child.

Linger in Celebration of you!

Day 10 - Linger in Curiosity

This is one of my favorites! The Linger Movement was founded on and continues to evolve through curiosity. Through the possibility and openness it evokes.

Curiosity opens the door to new ideas, re-thinking, and wonder. It’s closely tied to inviting in Play and child-like thinking (see day 6!) and requires intentionality and practice. With curiosity you put preconceived notions aside and allow new insights to enter.

This is especially helpful in areas of our lives that seem to run on autopilot, or we've got a routine, or there's a sense that that's the way it's always been done.

It’s as simple as beginning with a curiosity stoker such as ‘what if…’ or ‘why not…’

Approach aspects of your day with openness and these curiosity stokers. Sit in the possibility. You ultimately choose what to pursue and what paths you follow and it begins with pausing and playing in curiosity.

Why not give it a try? What are you curious about?

If you’ve been following along through these Days of Lingering but haven’t yet tried any of the practices, why not? Which one is pulling you forward or sparks something? Give it a whirl.

Linger in Curiosity.

Day 11 - Linger in Community

We are designed to be in relationship with others, to not go at life alone.

Whether it’s the family you were born into, your chosen family, friends, teammates, business partners, etc. take note of the community around you. Send them a little love and gratitude.

Regardless of what you’re pursuing right now (whether it’s making transitions, stabilizing into new routines, or chasing dreams) you must identify your support system, those who boost you up, tell you hard truths, and champion your wildest visions. These are the individuals you want to surround yourself with. They often provide the energy that helps fuel you.

There may be naysayers, those who suck your energy, and don’t support your evolution. They may eventually come around, but don’t let them distract you. Hello, boundaries. Keep your focus and your energy where it is expansive and supportive.

Remember, always, you don’t have to go at anything alone, even if the path is personal. Find, cultivate, and celebrate the relationships with your people - now, and often.

They’ve got your back, and you’ve got theirs.

Linger in your community. I deeply appreciate all of my various circles and those of you in this sliver of the internet that makes connection and community possible across the many miles of this globe.

Day 11 - Linger in Love

Love transforms everything. It is the most powerful of all energy.

Love yourself. Love your family and friends. Love moments. Love life. Even when things feel upside down.

Slow down, Find Pause, and Linger with Love in breath, stillness, beauty, surprise, nature, play, self care, movement, celebration, curiosity, and community.

Bring a little love to all that you do and all you experience.

If you need help in doing so, start by simply making a list of 5 things you love right now about yourself, your home, your current life, your work, or your family/friends. Keep adding to the list as things pop into your mind. Then, you can reference the list when you need a little boost or reminder of all the love around you.

Find Love, Linger in it.

That’s a wrap on our 12 Days of Lingering. Use these ideas to bring space, presence, and rejuvenation into your days.