Reflecting & Heartsorming into 2020
Hello 2020.
While I don’t think that one should necessarily wait until the calendar turns to make pivots, changes, shifts, whatever you want to call it, that time is upon us so let’s take advantage of it. The new year, and in this case, new decade is a natural time to both reflect and put things into motion.
It’s an opportunity to linger in reflection and to linger in dreams and desires.
I spent some time in December with a running list of reflections. It was an inventory of sorts of all that had happened in the year. I was trying to wring out of my head and my heart all that had happened in the previous months. It became a living document because I found that while I thought I’d gotten it all out in one sitting additional memories were popping up later. I had a few moments of thinking ‘wow, that happened, I did do that, how could I forget?!?’
This was a reminder to me that reflection, and doing it often, is so important because we let things slip by. We get lost in the hustle of the current, of the problem to solve right in front of us, of what’s next on the never ending to-do list that we forget all that we have indeed done, experienced, achieved, and maybe even failed or struggled with.
Whether they’re big items or small things that happened in a flash, everything matters. It’s all part of the larger puzzle that we’re each putting together shaping the journey and path that we’re on. Acknowledging, celebrating, and reconnecting allows you to see and feel what has transpired. Even if you don’t feel like the needle has moved very far in your everyday, spending time in reflection helps make even the smallest movements visible.
You have likely come further and are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Reflect and remember the pieces of your puzzle.
With some purposeful reflection completed and a commitment to continue it regularly I came to the point of looking forward. I have so much excitement and curiosity for the year ahead. There’s adventure on the horizon yet I don’t want to live for the future, I want to experience it now. I want everyday magic and to create my future right here in the present.
Setting a goal is more than just the physical thing, the material, and the tangible. It’s all of the energy, emotion, and feeling at the core of what you desire. We often put a physical thing as the carrot we’re chasing only to realize that when we get it, we're not at all satisfied. Why is that?
It’s not truly a physical thing that you’re after. Yes, the material is nice and tangible, but it’s deeper. I learned in the months and years of ‘seeking’ and waiting to be at a specific ‘place’ that it actually had nothing to do with the arrival to a place. It was about identifying and understanding what I really wanted at the core of my being that allowed me to be in that ‘place’ where ever I was on this earth.
In order to really achieve what you want you have to ask ‘why’.
Why do I desire to do/be/achieve X?
Keep asking ‘why’ like a three year old until you get to the heart of the desire.
When you truly identify the emotions and feelings that you’re chasing the tangible piece can almost fall away. You can now go after the core and all the material stuff is an added bonus.
You may realize that the physical thing you wanted really doesn’t matter or there’s actually something even better.
I desire adventure, exploration, and a feeling of expansiveness. I thought for a while that I could only get this galavanting around the world, constantly seeking new adventure in a new place. Tangible stamps on my passport. Yet I’ve discovered that I can create it all right here at home and I can also get it out on the road.
In my world I’ve got some pretty big changes and epic (hopefully!) adventures in the early planning stages. These specific things will happen, the planning will unfold a basic path, but I’m not waiting for the wonder, excitement, and joy that I expect them to bring me. I am going to bring those feelings into life right now, create them in my everyday moments, and open myself up to whatever else these adventures want to bring.
If you’re seeking happiness, joy, excitement why wait until some tangible thing happens? Why not start to find ways to bring it into your life right now. You can still reach or achieve the material thing that you desire but don’t hang on to them as the end all be all for the deeper true core desires that are at the emotional level.
When I offer vision board workshops I give people a set of questions to ponder before coming. The idea is to get them thinking and digging to the core of what their vision board is really about and what I refer to as heartstorming.
I first heard this term during my month long Esalen stay last year by my amazing leader and mentor Steven Harper. It stuck with me and resonated to what I’d been wanting people to connect with for themselves. Heartstorming is like the brainstorming that we've all done a million times yet tapping into your core, your feelings, and heart center rather than your logical brain. For once spending the time on yourself and not someone else’s project or organization. Let the ideas flow, without judgement, trusting that they’re coming through for a reason even if you may not yet understand it. This starts to create the space to move from your head to your heart and get to what you really desire.
So with this in mind, below are the prompts that I share with people to kick off their heartstorming. I invite you to try them on as you consider your weeks, months, year ahead.
My biggest desire, dream, intention is…
When I envision my desire, dream, intention I feel…
My top three values are…
How am I most aligned to these values?
Where/how do I feel out of alignment?
It’s the answer(s) to the second question that is really the key to your desires. This the ‘why’ and the core of your visions. Then, when you assess and identify your values, and I mean true to you, not someone else’s values, you have a guide post for all decisions that come your way.
You can always ask: is this aligned with one of my values and does it spark the feelings and emotions I desire? Ideally it’s a heck yes on both of these assessments, but if it’s not on at least one of them consider it a red flag and why you’re even entertaining the idea.
So whether you’ve hit the ground running in 2020 or are slowly getting back on your feet dreading the idea of going to work or school, spend some time lingering in reflection and your dreams.
Put even the smallest pieces of the puzzle in place so you see that there’s always progress on this journey, however small or insignificant it may feel. Connect to the core of your dreams, intentions, and desires by asking why and heartstorming your big vision.
LingerAwhile in you and all that you are and bring the core of your dreams and desires into your current reality.