Have a wonder filled 2018

Wonder is one of the wildest elements on the massive scale of human experience. Just a pinch of it stops time. The world halts. The eyes fill. You become, for a small time, everything you truly are.
— Victoria Erickson, Edge of Wonder

For the last few months the word and concept of 'wonder' has been resurfacing over and over again. I think it's a fun and whimsical yet somewhat mysterious word. Throughout my travels I've been reminded that the world around us provides an immense amount of wonder. The external seems obvious but I'm also conscious that there's so much wonder within ourselves. However, what's within is often untapped, unknown, or maybe even shoved aside. Why is that? Why are we not exploring and embracing the wonder, the magic, the beauty that each of us hold within? 

I feel like it's a simple sounding question with an answer that's complex, multi-layered, and unique to each individual. There are so many things that hold us back, whether they're internal or external forces, from seeing and being our true and best versions of self. Rather than letting this post run away down the coaching path of 'what blocks us' I'll just touch on one area - the stories we tell ourselves.

What we tell ourselves every single day, that inner dialogue in each and every moment, is powerful - and know that it's a power in any direction. Some stories are incredibly empowering, uplifting, and encourage forward moving action. Others, however, do just the opposite and paralyze us with fear, worry, and dread. With a little bit of wonder I believe you can start to shift your own story telling into an empowering direction and one that creates a foundation to serve you and your journey. 

The Google Dictionary definition of 'wonder' says it's a 'feeling of amazement and admiration' and has 'remarkable properties or abilities'. To take from Victoria Erickson's beautiful words above, wonder allows you to experience 'one of the wildest elements', and even if only for a short period of time be 'everything you truly are.' So just think, how would it feel to explore and embrace your own wonder? To become everything that you truly are - remarkable, amazing, awe inspiring. 

The calendar now reads 2018, yikes! Many people are reflecting, setting intentions for the upcoming year, and creating a vision of self. I encourage you to take a moment, quiet the mind, turn off the stories, and open up to the wonder that's within you. You never know what you might find!

Looking forward to a wonder filled 2018!


