Purposeful Wandering

Not all those who wander are lost.
— J. R. R. Tolkien

As I sit here writing this from Dublin, Ireland and start to think about 2017 coming to a close I realize I've got to actually think hard to remember all of the things that I've done in the past 12 months. Weeks, months, and even years blend together and move so quickly. I'm quite excited to spend some time over the next few weeks really thinking back, looking through various photos, and remembering all the experiences as I then get into planning for the coming year. 

If you're like me you may not at first glance see (or quickly reflect back on) everything that you have actually done this year and all that you've accomplished. Spending some time with your thoughts as you reflect and then giving yourself credit and acknowledging everything you've done and everywhere you've been (literally and figuratively) is a great way to bring a little gratitude into your day.  

The first thing that pops into my head as I think about the year is 'purposeful wandering'. I may seem to flit around between places, always on a plane or posting pictures from a new destination, but this year was definitely more strategic than previous years. More so than ever I look to embark on new travels, longer stays in places I love, and even daily activities and interactions with curiosity and purpose. There may be times of being or feeling 'lost' but that's all part of the process. Learning to bring myself back from being lost, surrounding myself with the people I know will draw me back in, and taking a purposeful step into a known or unknown direction is all part of the amazing journey.

It's about gathering experiences, opening the mind, challenging myself, and in many cases slowing down the pace at which I run through this fast moving world. I don't ever want the wandering to end because it feels like if that day comes I'll have lost my curiosity and wonder. There's so much to see and do out there in the world, both near and far from home, I want to make sure I'm soaking it in, sharing as much of myself as possible, and being open to whatever possibilities present themselves. 

How do you wander?

What do you need to do to bring more 'wandering' into your life?



