Hello With Purpose

Let's get this party started, or maybe re-started is more appropriate! I'm getting back into the blogging game with a whole new website and focus. And let me tell you I'm pretty darn excited. To be honest I'm not 100% sure what direction this blog is going to go but it's guaranteed to be what's on my mind, what's inspiring me, what's challenging me, what's in my heart, and random musings about this game of life. Whatever it is, it's With Purpose. That much I promise.

I've had the amazing fortune and opportunity to wander the globe with no specific end game; however, in the last eight to twelve months I began to feel like I wanted a direction and a guiding force to compliment, yes compliment is critical here, my endless wanderlust. Travel and exploring the world are still major drivers for me but longing for purpose in all that I do began to nag at me. Now, as 2017 comes to an end, I'm so excited to feel like I've finally discovered the purpose I want to live and share every day. It's sure to evolve as I continue to step into it but right now purpose for me is connecting with and empowering others to explore, play, and find their own wonder.

I'll get into it more in a future post but the current avenue is through Coaching. It's a path that peaked my interest earlier this year and unlike most things it stuck with me. I've connected with an amazing group of people through my program with iPEC who inspire, motivate, and encourage me on this journey. Watch this space for sure!

As part of the coaching certification process I've done a fair amount of self reflection and as a result find myself so much more self aware than I ever was before. It's also allowed me to create the space in my head to reflect on what I truly have discovered over the last few years traveling and exploring the world. The passport stamps, the photographs, and the experiences have all enhanced and opened my mind to a world well beyond what I was living before. There's always so much more to see, explore, and experience if you just allow it in. 

Here are a few quick thoughts on some specific discoveries...

  1. The world both near and far from your doorstep have so much to offer and experience. If you take the time to slow down, notice the little things that you might pass by everyday, and breath deeper the perspective shifts and it's possible to suddenly enjoy this great big game of life. Every moment, experience, interaction, or challenge are all opportunities. Make the most of it!
  2. Connection and community are paramount. We are built for connection and even an introvert like myself craves it. There's a reason why I keep going back to San Francisco even after getting rid of my apartment, why I spend months off and on Cannes, and why some of my best experiences while traveling were in groups where there was an instant bond. Connection feeds us and nourishes us. Don't ignore it!
  3. Discovery happens when you create the space for the mind to wander. Everyone owes it to themselves to take a step back from what they're doing for a moment to evaluate, question with curiosity, and explore what their true desires and values are. Opening one's self to the conversation is the first step of stepping into greatness. 

Through this blog, through coaching, and through my everyday life I want to create a space for you to explore, discover, and develop your own wonder. The best version of yourself is out there and you have the power and the answers to harness it. The space is meant to be one of safety, support, and certainly a little humor. So jump on in and join me, the ride is more fun with friends! 



Jessie Carr