The Linger Manifesto

On the wall in my little office space is The Holstee Manifesto. It's a favorite of mine. A reminder of what's important, that this is my life to live, and I'd best make the most of it. It’s like the Mary Oliver quote, ‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’

And so I got thinking, what is my manifesto? What does mine specifically look and sound like? What words speak the essence of my being, of my wild and precious life?

I love the Holstee manifesto, it’s a beautiful and powerful guide post. And now, in this moment, I am defining my North Star of being as I see it, feel it, and hear it today.

The Linger Movement is rooted in the slow simplicity of small moments. Taking the time to notice and connect with the world around you in the everyday, in the mundane. Seeking joy, wonder, and awe in what’s right in front of you. Not waiting for the ‘big’ moments or the vacation that’s booked three months out.

If the recent weeks and months have taught us anything it’s that nothing is certain, and let’s be honest it never was. So, if you’re hedging your happiness, or planned happiness, on an event that’s scheduled days, weeks, or months down the line you’re wasting your time and you’re selling yourself short.

What are you doing between now and then? Why are you waiting?

When I first left my job at Google I was living by the motto, ‘if not now, then when?’

Why wait for another today, make ‘someday’ today because nothing is guaranteed. I’d put off so much waiting for the right day to appear. Yet what I came to realize was that the perfect day was never going to suddenly show up.

Rather, it was about harnessing the individual moments, capturing them, turning the present into the future and making it what I desired. And when I did that, when I looked at my current moment and the reality in front of me with wonder and awe, rather than waiting, everything changed. Daily life was amplified. I began to experience the full wonder, awe, and connection of life regardless of whether I was sitting at home or traveling in a far off land.

I often ask myself, how could this be even better? It’s all an amplification because I know that I am living and experiencing my one wild and precious life fully. And if I’m not, I’ve fallen off course and need to re-direct.


Life is simple and small; it’s grand and expansive.

It’s moments of joy, laughter, hardship, and pain.

Yet through it all, there’s always a glimmer of light, the shimmer of wonder and awe.

Let go of busy and its false sense of security.

It’s not waiting for the big things, it’s appreciating, noticing, and soaking in the everyday, even the mundane.

It’s not speeding through our days with heads down. Or filling ourselves with excess and stuff. But rather, awareness through all senses to fully connect with, embody, and experience all that life has to offer.

And when we fall off course, when we get distracted or overwhelmed, there’s no shame, it’s simply acknowledging and taking a kind moment to bring ourselves back.

This life is precious and spectacular.

It’s filled with magical moments.

Give yourself the space and grace to linger awhile, be present, and choose to fully experience it.

Grab a copy of the manifesto today from the Linger Shop! Shop now here.
