Disenchantment Realized
Like so many people, I watched and read many of the follow ons to the ‘Oprah, Meghan, Harry’ interview this past Sunday. As I’ve reflected on what Meghan Markle spoke about, and Harry too, it’s a lot about disenchantment. Bursting the bubble of expectations, dreams, and fairytales with reality.
The realization (or perhaps revelation) for oneself, whether others acknowledge it or not, that the individual experience, your personal experience, does not align with the picture being painted or the story on paper. And, for one's own well being, refusing to remain silent, stuck, and without support.
This really hit home. Of course I have not experienced - nor will I or anyone else - exactly what Meghan and Harry described and there are so many pieces one could tease out, yet the feeling of disenchantment is real and resonant.
Life looks ideal on paper, everything from the outside is buttoned up, and it’s a picture perfect curation. Yet the day to day, moment to moment reality is anything but that.
There comes a moment of eyes opening and a feeling and wondering
‘is this really what it’s all about?’
‘What am I really doing with my life? There must be more.’
‘Everyone says I should be thrilled by what I have, the position I'm in, yet I’m not.’
The experience of disenchantment and knowing of what you truly desire is so real. Even if it’s in whispers. It’s something that so many people experience, myself included. For me the whispers got louder and louder as I slogged hours each day commuting and not finding fulfillment in what appeared to be an incredible life, job, and existence. In many ways it was and in so many it wasn’t. I reached a turning point and realized I needed to choose. I needed to be willing to be honest.
You have the power to choose you, to wander into a different path, to make shifts whether they’re tiny or massive that will bring you more joy, ease, and brilliance into life.
If Harry and Meghan can free themselves of the Royal Family machine, however painful that transition was and continues to be, so too can you free yourself into the life you truly desire. It’s a willingness to be honest, to stop pretending to be happy, and to be willing to tackle what’s in the shadows.
It’s ok to want change, to desire more or something different, to seek joy.
Slow down, take a moment to pick your head up, and listen to those lingering questions, ideas, insights, and whispers that you’ve been putting off. Simply hear them and acknowledge them. When you stop ignoring you never know what direction they might launch you in.
Start small. Find your pause. This is the first step in designing life for you, by you.