Sixth & Seventh Power Of Presence: Connection & Highest Vibrations
Welcome to the sixth and seventh Powers of Presence. We’re diving into both of these in this installment because it’s here in these last two Powers where we find the deepest connection and the highest vibrational energy.
The sixth Power is all about Finding Flow and Intuitive Connection. It’s here that you can harness the power of those gut instincts, those feelings of ‘just knowing’, and the ability to see the whole rather than individual pieces or just yourself. The core of the sixth Power is the knowing that everything and everyone are connected and you can tap into that.
Do you ever find yourself completely in the zone, or in flow, with no sense of time, just ease and joy in whatever you’re doing? That’s the sixth Power. When we allow ourselves the freedom, remove the judgement of ideas and push past fear to take action and fall into a place of flow the results are stunning. Idea after idea comes, most of the time without having any sense of where it actually came from, and suddenly the dots start to connect. In a single word, synthesis.
That’s how this series of writings about the Powers of Presence came to be. First there were numerous ideas and breadcrumbs popping up over and over again that piqued my curiosity to dive deeper into Energy Leadership (where all of this amazing stuff comes from) which I’d pushed to the side for about a year. And then, as I got into it and let myself just sit at the computer everything just flowed. Before I knew it, I had a ramble of ideas related to the power of energy, then I had an outline, and by letting myself ride the flow of ideas I cranked out multiple posts each day for a few days in a row.
With knowing and connection to intuition, there's also a deep sense of trust. With trust there’s no stopping you and your ideas. Do you wonder how some people just seem to brilliantly pull things out of the air and then magically convert them into a product, brand, some other physical form? They’re harnessing and acting from the sixth Power. The deep sense of knowing, of trusting, of connection allows all the pieces to come together with incredible energetic backing.
Whew, let’s pause and take a breath for a moment. There’s so much energy starting to swirl with just thinking about the sixth Power! Imagine being able to bring more of this flow and connection into your life and everyday moments.
When it comes to the seventh and final Power we are now at a place of Absolute Passion and Unconditional Love. To be honest, the energy of the seventh Power is the most woo-hoo and hardest to explain. However, when we can access it, even in small increments, we’re propelled forward and into seemingly magical creation.
With the seventh Power all judgement is released so love, passion, and deep connection with the world and those around us happen. It also allows us to be in creation in its purest. The deepest sense of knowing that ‘I can create whatever I want whenever I want’ through instant manifestation. It’s what allows us to press forward with ease into something even if we thought we’d fail. You’re fearless.
If this is all sounding a bit much, or unreachable, that’s ok. As you raise your consciousness, see the Powers playing out in your daily life you’ll soon recognize aspects of each and every Power, even the seventh. The ability to be completely detached from any outcome, have no judgement, and operate from a place of pure passion and love is where many of us find the ability to tap into the seventh Power.
With the sixth Power you’re trusting, tapped into your intuition, and connected to everyone and everything through synchronicity. The seventh Power brings in detachment, pure passion, and unconditional love. Imagine the possibilities and the magic of two of these playing together.
I just completed a half Ironman triathlon recently and when I think back on the experience I feel so much of the sixth and seventh Power were carrying me through. I went into the race from a completely detached place. I was there to compete, yes, but I was really there for the experience. I had zero expectations, probably easy given that it was my first one ever. It was about being out there with two of my dearest friends and college teammates, supported by many friends and family, and finding my flow. Yes, it was incredibly long (we’re talking five and a half hours long!) yet I’ve never smiled so much during a race. I trusted that I would make it to the finish line and was fearless in my pursuit. Despite exhaustion there was definitely a bit of magic as I crossed the finish line. Pure bliss.
So with that, we’ve now covered all Seven Powers of Presence. The final installment of this series will be a quick recap some additional insights. Until then, I welcome you to sit in the energy and ideas of the sixth and seventh Powers.
How you are already connecting into them, what would it be like to have more. Feel free to write things down, journal, whatever helps you. And again, with all of this, just be curious. There’s no judgement, just greater awareness.
When does the sixth and seventh Power show up?
What triggers this?
How long do you sense that it lasts for?
What do you notice about how you show up in the world when you’re feeling the sixth and seventh Power?
You can still grab my Seven Powers of Presence guide here.
And finally, if you’re ready to dive deep right now you can learn more and sign up for your very own Powers of Presence assessment and transformational debrief. Read more here.
Note: This piece contains my interpretation of the copyrighted work of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).