Third Power of Presence: Rationalizing into Rest and Complacency
Welcome to the rest stop on the energetic highway. Breathe, pause, take a moment.
In the last two posts we covered the first and second Powers of Presence. These two Powers are incredibly draining and taxing on us. When our energy gets sucked down to these levels, when we’re not consciously choosing to utilize one of these two Powers, we feel the weight of it and often find ourselves disconnected. However, the energy of the third Power starts to shift a bit; there’s a glimmer of light as we start to tap into this level.
The third Power is all about rationalization. It’s what I refer to as Rationalizing Into Rest and Complacency. We use our energy here to cope with and accept what’s happening in life, or one aspect of it.
In many cases this is absolutely necessary, this is why it’s a rest stop. It’s a place to come to acceptance and safety as we bring our energy up and out of the depths and weight of the first two Powers that are holding us down. Also, life circumstances like the loss of a loved one or massive upheaval in what you once knew to be true can call for just this type of energy. For many, the movement upwards into the third Power is an incredible step. However, the risk is complacency if we idle here for too long. I am always cautious when I notice myself, or others, with a lot of energy from this Power.
When I hear things like, ‘it is what it is,’ ‘this is as good as it’s going to get’, or ‘I don’t want to rock the boat’ I know right away that’s the third Power speaking. It’s a way to keep things comfortable and accept the situation and/or circumstances as they are with no movement to change, grow, or expand. There’s a tendency to explain away disappointments without addressing them head on.
Day to day life in the third Power is very comfortable and it’s easy to get complacent. The challenge here is that you end up keeping yourself safe and comfortable and as a result never reaching your fullest potential. Yet at the same time there’s a deeper yearning for something more. You know that you’re destined for more, you can see the light and the spark it’s just out of reach.
When I was stuck in all of the negativity and fighter mentality of the second Power surrounding me at work I can now look back and realize just how much I was reaching for and then successfully sitting in the third Power. This was for sure the comfort zone for me. When I look back now I was 100% in rationalization and toleration mode. I tolerated a commute that was hours each day, I tolerated boredom and not feeling at all fulfilled, and I tolerated not knowing what would make me happy all because I could rationalize it away. The list was long but here’s a few… I had a great job that others would die for, I can just play on the weekends and plan my next vacation, I get paid and have all sorts of perks that I could never give up.
I was so comfortable in what I knew and so fearful of the unknown that it was easier to stick with it, rationalize, and sit in safety. With the awareness I have now I can see it all so clearly, of course it wasn’t like that when I was in the thick of it. And that’s the beauty of understanding these Powers of Presence. Having the awareness and the tools now I know I’ll never get into that situation again and I’m passionate about helping others not get stuck.
As mentioned, the third Power is a useful rest stop and it certainly has a place and time, and should be just that, a resting place before moving on and utilizing the expansion and growth that comes from the remaining Powers.
One of my coaches and mentors always says it’s within the fourth Power where the magic happens. And that’s absolutely true. The roof can be blown off from here and beyond. This is where it starts to get really exciting and huge shifts happen for people in life, business, relationships, everything.
I can’t wait to dive into the fourth Power and get into the energy that is the beginning of what allows us to live full out and be powerfully present with ourselves, our friends, family, and the world around us.
Before we continue I welcome you to think about, observe, take note of how the third Power shows up for you and where you notice it around you. And since this is a resting spot, pause, breathe, and slow down for a moment. Feel free to write things down, journal, whatever helps you. And again, with all of this, just be curious. There’s no judgement, just greater awareness.
When does it appear?
What triggers these feelings?
How long do you sense that it lasts for?
What do you notice about how you show up in the world when you’re feeling the third Power? What would it take to shake off some or all of this energy?
What’s different, if anything, in noticing the third Power vs the first or second?
If you’re an eager beaver and don’t want to wait for each level in detail you can grab my Seven Powers of Presence guide here. I share this simple guide with all my clients to help them gain awareness and presence and now you can have it too.
And finally, if you’re ready to dive deep right now you can learn more and sign up for your very own Powers of Presence assessment and transformational debrief. Read more here.
Note: This piece contains my interpretation of the copyrighted work of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).