Set Your Pace: Experience (Part 4)


Your Experience Depends on You

It’s up to you.

You are the designer.

You choose how you show up, how you respond, how you ‘be’ from moment to moment.

This was a big revelation for me. And suffice to say, it was kinda a rude awakening initially … until I embraced it.

When you start to shift choices, have new awareness, and find presence your experience of life transforms. This is your pace.

You are designing the experiences in each moment. So you choose how you want that to go.

It’s not changing the material or physical world alone (if at all) that provides lasting transformation. It’s the intangible inner world - because when your inner experience and relationship with self changes the outer world reflects it. This is why mindset, self talk, and inner work are so powerful and buying the new shoes isn’t (usually).

And yes the world is heavy, there’s lots of not so pleasant and undesirable stuff that happens, but we each have the power to come back to ourselves, our truth, our knowing, and choose how to show up, set boundaries, and interact when we’re attuned to our individual pace.

Dwell on a negative experience and your day will be consumed by it. Linger in something that brings you joy and gratitude and your day will reflect it.

Choose and design your experience.

If you want to see how you can take back your sovereignty and life a life of your design join the PACE Experience kicking off in July. It’s a self paced program with modules released weekly for four weeks and a live call for coaching and conversation.

Find Your Pause. Set Your Pace. Design Your Life.

Pace, the formula for life. Design Your Experiences.